traditional braces

Giving You A Straighter, Healthier Smile

traditional braces

Millions of people around the world wear braces to correct their teeth. Teeth that are crooked can be difficult to clean and may lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Teeth that are not straight can also cause problems with biting and chewing. Orthodontic braces can correct these problems and improve the overall appearance of your smile. Orthodontic braces are used to correct a wide variety of dental problems, such as crooked teeth, overbites, and underbites. They can also be used to correct minor jaw problems, and often speech difficulties, as well.

Orthodontic braces are devices that are used to straighten teeth and improve a person’s smile. Braces work by applying constant pressure to the teeth, which slowly moves them into the desired position. Braces are most often recommended for children and adolescents, but they can also be used for adults. Orthodontic braces are made of metal or ceramic, and are attached to your teeth with dental adhesive. They are usually worn for about two years.

Traditional Metal Braces

The most traditional and common type of braces are braces made of stainless steel. Due to their strength, durability, and effectiveness, their popularity is well-earned. However, today’s braces are much more comfortable and less bulky than those of the past. Braces are made up of brackets and wires. The brackets are sealed to the teeth and the wires are placed between the brackets. As treatment progresses, the wire is gradually tightened, moving the teeth.

Traditional braces are also popular because they can solve even the most complex orthodontic problems. Not everyone is a candidate for clear braces and aligners. Severe overcrowding is just one of the conditions that is best treated through traditional braces. Patients can also customize the elastic bands on wire braces with fun colors.

Clear Braces

Many patients are drawn to clear aligners but require more complex treatment that makes disqualify them as candidate. For treatment that is less noticeable than Ceramic braces are a good choice for people who would otherwise use traditional braces. These braces are similar to traditional metal orthodontics but use ceramic or clear brackets and wires rather than metal appliances. Like traditional braces, ceramic braces can be used to treat a broad range of dental concerns, but are nearly invisible. These advantages make clear braces an ideal treatment option for older teens, professional and other patients who wish to avoid the mouth full of metal that comes with traditional braces.

Benefits Of Orthodontics

  • A more attractive smile

  • Better function of the teeth

  • Possible increase in self-confidence

  • Increased ability to clean the teeth

  • Improved force distribution and wear patterns of the teeth

  • Better long-term health of teeth and gums

  • Guide permanent teeth into more favorable positions

  • Reduce the risk of injury to protruded front teeth

  • Aids in optimizing other dental treatment

traditional braces

What Are Some Signs That Braces May Be Needed?

  • Upper front teeth protrude excessively over the lower teeth or are bucked

  • Overbite

  • Underbite

  • Open bite

  • Crowded or overlapped teeth

  • Upper and lower teeth do not line up

  • The upper and lower teeth do not line up

  • Finger- or thumb-sucking after the age of six or seven

  • Difficulty chewing

  • Teeth wearing excessively or unevenly

  • The lower jaw shifts to the side when biting together

  • Spaces between the teeth


To Make You Smile



Midlands Orthodontics

Mon- Thurs: 8:00-5:00
Fri: 8:00-12:00